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Housing Products

AiDA enables the collection and reporting of information on all aspects of the Aids and Adaptations process from request to completion. The Trust now shares information with internal as well as external customers. We can now identify trends in work types, provide information on timescales and budgets and generate notification letters to residents awaiting adaptations.

Ken Browne
Programme Manager
Knowsley Housing Trust
With over 15 years experience within the Housing Sector our team of developers and consultants have deployed a variety of software solutions and enhanced existing systems.
We can also help Housing Associations migrate from legacy systems during the stock transfer process or move to new Housing Systems.
AiDA enables Housing Associations, RSL's and Local Authorities manage the full life cycle of the Aids and Adaptations process and adheres to the DCLG's Good Practice Guide Lines.  AiDA is affordable, highly configurable and can be readily installed.

The system can be interfaced with Housing systems to keep properties and property alerts up to date.

For more information visit our product website.

PARs Logo PARs ensures businesses owning properties adhere to the Control of Asbestos Regulations (2006) duty to manage asbestos.  All known asbestos information is recorded and made available to relevant parties.

The system can be interfaced with Housing systems to keep properties and property alerts up to date.

PREMISYS Property Repair Management Information System

Packed with all the functionality required for Housing Associations, RSL's and Local Authorities to prioritise and manage repairs (ad hoc and planned) to a housing stock.  The system is entirely procedural guiding it's users through the processes from taking the initial repair to seeing it's completion by contractor or inhouse workforce.  It uses SOR's to quantify the repairs and materials required and links to the stock control module to manage organisations store(s). 

This system has been in use by a large Housing Association in excess of 12 years.
C2N Software is the trading name for Mawdsley Computing Ltd • Registered in England Company No. 3125068  • VAT Reg. 659 6227 96

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